A very unique looking boombox from Sanyo

Sanyo M-X650

The MX650 must not have sold as well as Sanyo's other models, because it doesn't appear as frequently on Ebay. It has a very unique appearance, with a single massive grill covering all of its speakers. In the middle of the grill is a special control panel which includes the mic mixing input and the AMSS track search feature. Some collectors have removed the grill and painted the plastic around the speakers to create a custom look.

The service manual for this model can be purchased HERE(external link). It has a soft-touch Dolby-equipped tape deck with a frequency response of 50 to 14,000 Hz when using Metal tape. It also has connection jacks for Line In and Line Out. Some collectors have speculated that this model is just a re-styled Aiwa CS-770, but it's not. The rear panel is totally different, with different locations for the screws and the batteries. If it was just a re-styled Aiwa, they would have used the same rear panel to save money.




Model versions for different countries include the M-X650K and M-X650LU.

Created by Reli. Last Modification: Tuesday 01 of December, 2020 16:35:11 GMT by Reli.
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